Bindings and Providers


In the Infuse framework, bindings and providers are key concepts for managing and configuring dependencies. Bindings link a type to a provider, and providers define how instances of that type are created and managed.


A Binding in Infuse is essentially a link between a type (class) and a provider. It tells the injector how to provide an instance of a specific class.

Key Features

  • Type Association: Each binding is associated with a specific type.

  • Provider Linkage: Bindings are linked to a provider which defines how to instantiate the type.


Providers in Infuse are responsible for providing instances of a type. They are a crucial part of the dependency injection process.

Key Features

  • Functional Interface: Provider<T> is a functional interface, allowing for lambda expressions or method references.

  • Context-Aware: Providers receive a Context<?> object, giving them information about the injection context.

  • Versatile Instance Creation: Providers can return new instances, singletons, eager singletons, or specific pre-existing instances.

Types of Providers

  • Instance Provider: Provides a specific instance.

  • Singleton Provider: Provides a singleton instance (created once and reused).

  • Eager Singleton Provider: Similar to Singleton but instantiated eagerly.

  • Custom Provider: Custom logic for instance creation, considering the context.

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